Professor Abha Maheshwari

Lead Clinician
Professor Abha Maheshwari

Professor Abha Maheshwari

Lead Clinician

Professor Abha Maheshwari is the lead consultant for Reproductive Medicine and Surgery in Aberdeen Fertility Centre. Being Person Responsible and laboratory director, she is fully aware of clinical and legislative practices  as well as challenges facing fertility treatments. She has been part of a number of subcommittees working on Scottish Guidance  on various aspects of fertility over the years. Nationally she is a panel member for licence centres in  HFEA and Andrology special interest Group of British Fertility Society.

She is also subspecialty training supervisor for RCOG accredited sub-speciality training in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery as well as trainer for multiple training modules for British Fertility Society.
She is a strong advocate for research and research being lead and delivered in clinical setting  to improve patient care. She is  also Clinical lead for Reproductive Health and Childbirth for  National Research Scotland after having had personal fellowships from Chief Scientist Office  for working on safety and efficacy of Assisted Reproduction. She  has published extensively in the field both primary and secondary research and given talks nationally and internationally.

She strongly believes in delivering excellence in training, research and clinical service, hand in hand within an NHS setup.

More of our team

Joanne Leitch

Joanne Leitch

Lead Scientist Fertility Scotland
Janis Heaney

Janis Heaney

Associate Director
Carsten Mandt

Carsten Mandt

Senior Programme Manager
Rez NS Prathalingam

Rez NS Prathalingam

Programme Manager
Tolu Oyedepo

Tolu Oyedepo

Programme Support Officer